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September 19, 2010

The Palio at Pescia

Filed under: Uncategorized — Darren & Malcolm @ 10:09 am

On the first Sunday in September is the Palio at Pescia.  A Palio is basically a community fair with some sort of competition for prizes, there is a Palio of sorts in many Tuscan towns.  The most famous of these is held twice yearly in Seina where there is a horse race around the fanous Piazza del Campo.  Here in Pescia the games are an archery competition between the four quarters of the City of Pescia.

The key feature of a palio is a magnificent medieval procession in costume through the town and streets, here are the flag bearers for the rione of Santa Maria.  I think you will agree they are a very colourful and evocative sight for locals and tourists alike.

The pattern of weather here at this time year is interesting as the grapes and chestnuts ripen to full glory.  There are a few days of rainy weather and perhaps thunder then perhaps a week of glorious sunshine then a few days rain.  After each rainfall the air gradually begins to cool, especially here in the hills.  The rain then leaves fluffy, steamy clouds that stick like candy floss to the hills among the streaks of bright sunshine that illuminate the trees.

You always feel here that you are a part of the weather, part of the natural organic world, and not just a mere observer of the climate.  It is a glory!!!

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