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March 15, 2011

Viareggio Carnevale 2

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , — Darren & Malcolm @ 8:00 am

Another photograph from Viareggio Carnevale, now ended for another year.  La Bestia comments on the predominence of technology in our everyday lives.  Here in the hills everyone is getting out their tools for cultivation.  Their rotivators, spades, diggers, hoes and other such things.  Trenches are being double-dug, olives trees and other fruit trees are being pruned and fires are being lit to dispose of the remnants.  There is something much more earthy and traditional about these activities.  Not that Italians are without technology, the range of clever machines and tools to make land management easier are multi-various and amazing.

Part of the carnevale tradition is about preparation for renewal, cleansing for regrowth.  Primavera brings strong changes to the weather, the sun becoming strong, rain showers chain across the skies to make everything bright, fresh and green.  Iris, crocus and primroses cover the bankings and campi.  Mimosa is flowering among the trees. A beautiful damp freshness fills the air.

Here though is a picture of our valley and the view from Casa Verde where it looks as if have moved to the sea!

1 Comment »

  1. How wonderful to start cultivating the land in March… in Taos, New Mexico our elevation is such that we’d better not think about planting our vegetable gardens until mid May…….and by the end of October it’s all over for the vegetable grower……I look forward to growing,( in so many ways), in Tuscany.

    Comment by Rosie — February 2, 2012 @ 1:52 am

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